Alumni Achievement Award
The Alumni Achievement Award is given each year to a Saint Joseph's College graduate who has distinguished themselves in various ways -- unrelated to the College, or by active participation in service and volunteer organizations, or achievement by an alumna/us that reflects an interest or influence that was developed or furthered while the recipient attended Saint Joseph's College.

Anyone may nominate an alumna/us for the award.

Click here for list of past Alumni Achievement Award winners. 

Alumni Service Award
The Saint Joseph's College Alumni Association recognizes the continuing need to reward generous service over the years to this institution by its alumni. As a means to that end, the organization established the Alumni Service Award. The award recognizes the selfless giving of time, efforts and talents to Saint Joseph's College by one of her graduates. This award is not restricted to or from members of the Alumni Association Board of Directors. 

Anyone may nominate an alumna/us for the award.  

Click here for list of past Alumni Service Award winners. 

Chapter Person of the Year
This award was given from 1990-1999 when Saint Joseph's College had chartered/pre-chartered Chapters. Its purpose was to recognize individuals who greatly contributed to the development and strengthening of the Saint Joseph's College Alumni Association Chapter Development Project and the realization of its goals. These goals were in accordance with tasks specified in the Chapter Development Committee mission statement. A nominee's affiliation with the College may have been that of alumna/us, parent or friend. However, this individual was to have been an active member of a chartered/pre-chartered Saint Joseph's College Alumni Chapter. 

Click here for a list of Chapter Person of the Year Award Winners. 

Lincoln Piotrowsky Award
The Lincoln Piotrowsky Award was given to the Homecoming football MVP from 1950-1961.  The award was replaced by the Rudy Volz Memorial MVP Award in 1962.  Four names are missing from the listing of award recipients.  If anyone has information regarding the 1956, 1958, 1959, and 1960 award winners, please contact the Alumni Office.  
*No Homecoming game was played in 1957 as Valparaiso University was plagued by the flu and unable to travel.

Click here for a list of Lincoln Piotrowsky Award Winners.

Rudy Volz Memorial MVP Award
The Rudy Volz Memorial MVP Award is given annually to the football player who is named "Player of the Game" during the Homecoming gridiron competition. Members of the SJC Football Coaching Staff select the award winner for this honor.

Click here for a list of Rudy Volz Memorial MVP Award Winners. 

Senior of the Year Award
The Senior of the Year Award is given annually to a graduating senior who exemplifies the meaning and mission of Saint Joseph's College as demonstrated by his/her academic accomplishments and service to the community. Members of the senior class begin the selection process by voting for their choice from a list of graduating seniors with a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.25/4.00. The winner is selected from five finalists who were interviewed by a committee of the Alumni Association Board of Directors.

Click here for a list of Senior of the Year Award Winners.

Sports Hall of Fame
The Saint Joseph's College Alumni Association recognizes the continuing need to reward athletic achievement by the graduates of this institution. As a means to that end, this organization has established the Saint Joseph's College Hall of Fame award. This award recognizes not only the athletic accomplishments of the individual while they were a student here, but also the continuing community involvement and service to that community over the years since graduation. Membership in the SJC Sports Hall of Fame shall be restricted to all alumni, including honorary alumni, of Saint Joseph's College, and to employees of the College (i.e., coaches, trainers, administrators, even though they might not be alumni). 

View Sports Hall of Fame MembersNominate an alumna/us for the award

Athletic Wall of Honor 
The Alumni Association Board of Directors, in conjunction with the SJC Athletic Department, established the Athletic Wall of Honor in 2006 to recognize the outstanding accomplishments of past athletic teams. This award honors the team as whole and is different from the Sports Hall of Fame that recognizes individual athletes. 

Anyone may nominate a team for the award.

Community Service Award 
The Saint Joseph's College Alumni Association established the Saint Joseph's College Community Service Award in order to recognize the selfless giving of time, efforts, and talents to SJC by individuals who are not alumni.  The criteria for the award are:

  1. The recipient must have demonstrated selfless giving of time, efforts, and talents as an active participant in volunteer or service organizations related to the College or benefiting the College.
  2. The recipient's achievements must reflect honor and service to the College and its alumni.















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